UNDP Open Call for Projects for Tunisian NGOs
The Global Environment Facility Small Grants Program (GEF SGP) is seeking proposals for the Call for Projects for Tunisian NGOs.
Implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and executed by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), the Small Grants Program (SGP) of the Global Environment Facility ( GEF) provides grants to NonGovernmental Organizations and Community-Based Organizations (NGOs/CBOs) in developing countries to enable them to address global environmental challenges, while meeting local sustainable development needs.
This call for projects covers the following three areas of intervention:
- The conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity,
- The fight against climate change,
- The fight against soil degradation.
The overall objective of this call for projects is to support community initiatives that will raise awareness and contribute to the resolution of environmental problems that occur at the local level while ensuring a strong involvement of young people and women.
The maximum grant amount for each project should not exceed USD 50,000.
For more information on Eligibility Criteria, visit GEF SGP.