BOVINE TUBERCULOSIS 1° Congress took place from the 9 to the 11 April inTorre del Greco, the event was organized by the ERFAN team from IZS Mezzogiorno, Portici and the support of the ERFAN Secretariat.
More than 40 participants attended the congress, Italian authorities and various veterinary Institutions from the ERFAN Network.
The meeting was opened by the Director General of the Portici IZS, Dr Antonio Limone, joined by the Director General of IZS Teramo and ERFAN coordinator, Dr Nicola D’Alterio; by Dr Samuel Wakhusama, WOAH Representative for Eastern Africa, and Dr Aniello Anastasio Director of the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Productions – University of Naples “Federico II” – Italy. The second day saw also the presence of Dr Ugo Della Marta, Chief Veterinary Officer for the Italian Ministry of Health.
The African delegates came from Namibia (Central Veterinary Laboratory and University of Namibia), Botswana (Botswana National Veterinary Laboratory), South Africa (Onderstepoort Veterinary Research Institute), Tanzania (Tanzania Veterinary Laboratory Agency), Zambia (Central Veterinary Research Institute), Angola (Directorate of Veterinary Services), Senegal (Laboratoire National de l’Elevage et de Recherches Vétérinaires), Ethiopia (Animal Health Institute), Tunisia (National School of Veterinary Medicine of Sidi Thabet) and Morocco (Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II).
The main objective of the event was to share initiative and methodologies, facilitate the knowledge for the disease in different fields in order to enhance its diagnosis, control and eradication. ERFAN experts joined to discuss together with representative colleagues of Italian and African Veterinary Medicine and Labs, about the current technology and expertise addressed to diagnosis and control of Bovine Tuberculosis.