EMFAF Grant Call: Sustainable Transport and Ports in the Mediterranean
The European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund is seeking applications for the Grant Call to reduce emissions by ports and ships and promote the transition towards carbon neutrality of the maritime transport sector in the Mediterranean, while ensuring synergies with the Horizon Europe Co-Programmed Partnership on Zero-Emission Waterborne Transport.
This topic aims at contributing to the Goal 2 “A smart and resilient blue economy of the strategy” (Priority Sustainable consumption and production: ports and maritime transport) of the WestMED initiative.
Green shipping, sustainable transport and alternative fuels are high on the agenda of WestMED stakeholders. Several actions to tackle these issues have been identified by a dedicated technical group created within the WestMed Initiative in 2020.
Moreover, the UfM Ministerial Declaration on the Sustainable Blue Economy pays special attention to sustainable, climate-neutral and zero-pollution maritime transport and port. It calls for strengthening expertise and boosting investments in infrastructure taking duly into account the specific needs and priorities of Mediterranean countries; and to actively cooperate and participate in the implementation of joint projects in the provision of clean energy and technology.
Proposals should focus on one of the following themes:
- Monitoring and technology foresight on green shipping in the Mediterranean, including energy consumption, technological chains in maritime alternative fuels, and practices and opportunities for strategic development of infrastructures to boost sustainable sources for green shipping;
- Promotion of energy communities in ports of the Mediterranean, e.g. by supporting/anticipating the transition to LNG, or from LNG towards a wider choice of alternative fuels/technologies, including green hydrogen, electrification, wind, etc.;
- Promote commercial vessels (including local small-scale ferries and service vessels) and fishing boats transition to LNG, or from LNG towards a wider choice of alternative fuels-propulsion/technologies (green hydrogen, electrification, wind).