Horizon 2020 Framework Programme- Grant “Testing and demonstrating systemic innovations in support of the Farm-to-Fork Strategy”
The Farm to Fork Strategy, which is at the heart of the European Green Deal, aims to address the challenges and accelerate the transition to sustainable food systems, to ensure that the economic, social and environmental foundations of food and nutrition security are not compromised for current and future generations. A range of activities will support the deployment and scaling up of innovations that contribute to the objectives of the Farm-to-Fork Strategy; for exemple:
Subtopic D. Reducing the dependence on the use of antimicrobials in animal production and in aquaculture (IA)
Deadline Model : single-stage
For more information and details, please see: https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/topic-details/lc-gd-6-1-2020;freeTextSearchKeyword=;typeCodes=1;statusCodes=-,31094502;programCode=H2020;programDivisionCode=31047916;focusAreaCode=null;crossCuttingPriorityCode=IntlCoop;callCode=Default;sortQuery=topicTitle;orderBy=asc;onlyTenders=false;topicListKey=topicSearchTablePageState