The ERFAN Secretariat, with the support of the OIE Reference Laboratory for Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia (CBPP) in Gaborone, organises the online information days on “Organisation and management of proficiency testing”. This event aims to present the basic knowledge about the ISO regulation and organisation and management of Proficiency tests.The specific objective of this ID is to acquire laboratory competences linked to the organisation of Ring test for serological bacteriological and biotechnological tests.
All National Veterinary Laboratories as partner of the ERFAN, the VETLAB Network, the OIE Reference Laboratory for CBPP, Brucellosis, Blue Tongue and West Nile Disease at the IZSAM, the Italian Reference Laboratory for Brucella spp. at the IZSAM and the Joint FAO/IAEA Centre for Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture attend this meeting.
For more information on the agenda and on how to take part, please contact: erfan@izs.it